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Sellers Frequently Asked Questions

We get similar types of questions so we created lists of some of the more common ones with the answers of course! If you’re selling with us at Wakuda, this one is for you. And if you have a question and none of the below apply please feel free to drop us at hello@wakuda.co.uk

Why should I join Wakuda?

We’re passionate about transforming the way people discover and access Black-owned businesses. We are quickly becoming the go to website for high quality, unique products and gift buying, where shoppers know with confidence that they are buying quality products and supporting Black-owned UK brands. 


How do you promote sellers?

We have several marketing strategies we use to promote all sellers. This ranges from internal to our audience of 15,000+ to paid advertising and PR (Wakuda and sellers featured in over 50 articles in our first 18 months).


What is the commission?

Between 10 – 15% depending on the package you select. The only other fee you will incur is a 1.4 – 2.7% + nominal fee per transaction charged from the payment provider. You can see their full structure of fees: https://www.paypal.com/uk/webapps/mpp/paypal-fees and https://stripe.com/gb/pricing 



I have requested to withdraw funds and haven’t received anything yet?

All withdrawal requests are processed within 72 hours. If you haven’t received your funds after this time please send us an email.


One of my orders had a discount applied I didn’t create/authorise?

Don’t panic! We sometimes run promotions such as storewide discounts. The discount amount is reimbursed to you separately. 


I’ve uploaded a product, how long does it take to get approved?

We aim to approve or provide feedback on any products submitted within 72 hours (usually a lot quicker) if it does take longer drop us a message as there probably is a reason.


Why can’t I upload products?

Please ensure you have gone through verification and have selected a subscription. If it’s neither of these things then just get it touch and we’ll get it sorted.


How do I import my products from Etsy/Shopify?

Send an email to us directly at hello@wakuda.co.uk so that we can enable the import integration on your account.


I’m having trouble creating variations and attributes for my products?

First thing, watch this tutorial. If you’re still struggling after this, feel free to reach out as we’re happy to support with this.


Do I have to sell my products exclusively on this platform?

Not at all. In fact, we encourage our sellers to get their products out there in as many ways as possible. Learn how to price your products better to get the value you deserve for your mugs, art, earrings, or any other product you sell.

Why was automatic feedback left for a product I purchased?

We automatically assign a five-star rating to the seller if the buyer doesn’t leave feedback within 14 days after the order is completed. No automatically assigned rating is given if the buyer or seller eaves feedback or raises a complaint about the order.

You are welcome to update this auto-feedback with your personal thoughts and experiences at any time through your account.





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