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Nzema Appolo

1 sales
Essex, United Kingdom (UK) (Show on map)

Vendor Biography

When I was younger I used to have chronic eczema.

I was not able to use products in the retail outlets as I would react to the preservatives, chemicals, acids and perfume in both the creams and soaps. I had to result to using steroid based creams which thinned my skin and caused my skin to lighten and I developed stretch marks at a very young age.

Fast forward to when I came to Ghana and started using 100% natural products. 1 ingredient straight from Mother Nature. Now I no longer have eczema and my skin is vibrant (the sun has helped too).

Nzema Appolo is a gift straight from Mother Nature, 1 ingredient, 100% organic, 100% natural and 100% for you.

We do not need to mix products or use acids and chemicals on our skin, nature has everything we need to maintain, heal and repair our skin and hair.

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