Depression, Anxiety, Breast Cancer, Prostrate Cancer… so many human and gender-specific issues we’ve learned to talk about in recent years…but hot flushes, hormonal changes, loss of sex drive, incontinence….? Still a taboo?
It’s a pity but true that society, struggling with the remnants of the traditional female role, continues to take for granted the feminine issues that are dealt with quietly, without complaint….women are meant to be ladies after all…
and therefore so many of us still wouldn’t dream of talking about these issues openly…. or would we…?
We want women to know they are not alone….
As women our lives are busy and we wear many hats day to day, united through the diversity of female experience, coming together from various walks of life as a vibrant team of sisterhood we’ve put together Shhh… to let women know it is ok to take time out to look after themselves.
Made with love and care in small batches in the Garden of England, we carefully blend our essential oils with magnesium to maximize their therapeutic qualities, we want to enhance well-being, mood, feelings and emotions.
We are going back to nature, working with ingredients and essential oils that have been used for centuries.
Women designing a range of handcrafted well-being products to tackle issues that women do not talk about…
Let’s get the conversation started.