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A Seller’s Guide to Success on Wakuda Marketplace: Showcasing Your Products and Brand

Are you ready to elevate your business on Wakuda? Great! As you embark on this exciting journey, we want to ensure you make the most of your seller experience. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps of building your profile and uploading your products to make a lasting impression.

To get started:

Select your subscription package:

Choose the right subscription package for your needs here.

Make sure you complete verification here to be approved and start selling asap.

Uploading Products – Your Gateway to Success:

Your products are the heart of your Wakuda store, and showcasing them effectively is key to attracting customers. Follow these steps to upload your products seamlessly:


Import from Etsy or Shopify:

Step 1: Download Your Product Information

Before diving into the Wakuda experience, export a CSV file of your products from your current platform. If you’re on Etsy, check out this guide. For Shopify users, this guide will walk you through the process.

Step 2: Send Your CSV File to Us

Once you’ve got your CSV file ready, shoot it over to us at Don’t worry about a thing—our team will handle the optimisation and seamless import of your products.

Step 3: Watch Your Wakuda Store Flourish

Sit back and relax as we work our magic. Your products will be efficiently imported and optimised on Wakuda, ready to shine in your new online store.

Manually upload products:

  • Navigate to the “Products” Section:

Head to the Products section to manage and optimise your product listings.

  • Add a New Product:

Click on “Add Product” to start. Fill in essential details like product name, short and long description, price, and images. Select variable product if applicable, and highlight what makes your product unique!

  • Upload High-Quality Images:

Images speak volumes. Upload clear, high-quality photos showcasing your product from different angles. Check out tips on increasing product sales with great images. Suggested product image size (1600×1600) pixels.

  • Set Categories and Tags:

Categorise your product appropriately and add product tags for detailed information. Make it easier for customers to find your product.

  • Pricing and Inventory:

Set the right price, manage inventory levels, and consider special deals or discounts. Reach out for guidance if needed.

  • Save Product:

Hit “Create product” after filling in all details. We’ll optimise your products for SEO, and congratulations, you’re now visible to potential customers on Wakuda! (This is usually all completed within 48 hours)

Adding Your Bio and Profile Photo/Logo – Your Seller Identity:

Your products are only part of the story; let’s build a personal connection with your buyers. Enhance your Wakuda profile with a compelling bio and a captivating profile photo or logo.

  • Visit Your Store Profile:

Head to your “Store Profile” section to shape the narrative around your brand.

  • Create Your Bio:

Share your journey, values, and what makes your brand special. A relatable bio helps customers connect with you on a personal level.

  • Upload a Profile Photo/Logo:

Upload a clear, professional photo or your brand logo. This visual identity helps buyers recognize and remember your brand. Suggested profile image size (150×150) pixels

  • Upload a Banner Image:

This will be the backdrop for your store. Suggested banner size is (1903×270) pixels.

  • Social Media Links:

Link your social media profiles to your Wakuda account. This allows customers to explore more about your brand and stay connected with you.

  • Save Changes:

Don’t forget to save your changes. Your updated profile is now live, and customers can get to know the face behind the brand.


Head to this section to set up your shipping. Select the countries you want to ship to and charge appropriate amounts.

Congratulations! By following these steps, you’re not just selling products; you’re creating a memorable shopping experience for your customers. Here’s to your success on Wakuda!  If you need help with anything, reach out, as we want to continue your success on Wakuda.

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